As you prepare for the LSAT exam, certain question types may present higher hurdles for you, either in logically framing the questions to arrive at the answers or solving them within time contraints. If you need to strengthen your performance in certain areas of the exam, you might consider the extra attention that LSAT tutoring provides.
Please note: The LSAT Plus course combines LSAT classes with two hours of 1-1 tutoring. However, you do not need to be enrolled in our LSAT course to take advantage of our 1-1 tutoring.
You may sign up for as many hours of tutoring as you need, subject to a minimum requirement of two hours per session. Working with our expert can provide just the guidance you need.
To Schedule LSAT Tutoring: Please use the form below, or text or call us at 512.587.8694. Please indicate the number of hours needed and the preferred dates/times. We will work with you to set up a mutually convenient schedule. Please review our rescheduling policy below the the form.
Advance payment is required prior to your tutoring session.
Refund Policy: Any fees paid by you to us for 1-1 Tutoring are non-refundable.
Rescheduling Policy: You may reschedule any 1-1 Tutoring session, at no additional charge, by contacting us via email at least 24 hours prior to the start time of the scheduled 1-1 Tutoring session. If you contact us about rescheduling 1 to 23 hours in advance, you will be charged for 1 hour of tutoring time. If you do not reschedule and are a no-show, you will be charged for 2 hours of tutoring time.